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Thursday, September 20, 2007

Is Hoodia Effective for Dieting

Research performed at the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research in South Africa focused on plants called ?bush food?. These were plants that were commonly eaten by the African natives. The scientists noted that when animals were fed hoodia gordonii, they lost weight, but not due to any toxic effect. This was in the sixties and at they time, they may not have thought of the possibility of using hoodia gordonii as a weight loss supplement. It is unlikely that anyone asked, ?Is hoodia effective for dieting??

Later, a British pharmaceutical company called Phytopharm became interested in hoodia gordonii and efforts to create the best hoodia product began. It was ten years ago when Phytopharm patented and licensed what they believe is the active molecule in hoodia gordonii. It wasn?t until hoodia began to receive attention from the media that Phytopharm had to continuously answer the question; is hoodia effective for dieting. Their answer to that question is this: ?...only Phytopharm?s Hoodia gordonii product has had extensive safety studies performed and been clinically proven to reduce calorie intake and body fat.? Apparently Phytopharm has the best hoodia product.

The problem for dieters is that it may be years before that product is available. Should everyone put their diets on hold for a couple of years? Many websites list testimonials from users who answer a resounding, yes, to the question; is hoodia effective for dieting. Can these testimonials help us find the best hoodia product? That?s hard to say. It is natural to be a little suspicious of testimonials posted on a company?s websites. There are several websites dedicated solely to hoodia reviews. And on these sites, most products get mixed reviews.

For the millions of Americans who are overweight, waiting is obviously not the best option for their health. The question, is hoodia effective for dieting, can really only be answered by the individual. Results will vary. Results vary whenever we talk about any health supplement or prescription drug. Searches for the best hoodia product will have to be conducted on an individual basis. One thing is certain; no appetite suppressant will be effective in the long term. It takes life style changes to maintain weight loss. Even the best hoodia product can only be considered a kind of weight loss ?crutch?. In the end, we all most wait for a definitive answer to the question; is hoodia effective for dieting. When Americans become less overweight, then we will know.

For more information about the best hoodia products, visit the Hoodia Info Blog.

Patsy Hamilton is one of the editors at the Hoodia Info Blog. Visit us at


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March 22, 2010 at 10:27 AM  

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